
vcProductMatcher monitors product needs (vcProductNeed) and feeds (vcProductFeed) and matches the needs and feeds with each other. A vcProductNeedFeedMatch instance is created for each matched pair.

A match can be made if the process group ID of the need and feed matches, the product type is accepted by the need (defined in vcProductFilter), and a valid transport solution exists between the transport nodes.


Name Type Access Description
PendingNeedsCount Integer R Number of needs that have not yet been matched.
PendingNeeds List of vcProductNeedInfo R List of all pending needs.
PendingFeedsCount Integer R Number of feeds that have not yet been matched.
PendingFeeds List of vcProductFeedInfo R List of all pending feeds.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
getPendingNeed vcProductNeedInfo Integer index Returns a pending need found at a given index in list.
getPendingFeed vcProductFeedInfo Integer index Returns a pending feed found at a given index in list.
addNeed None vcProductNeed productNeed Adds the productNeed to the product matcher to be matched with a feed.
An error occurs if the same productNeed has already been added, or if theĀ productNeed is linked to an active vcProductNeedFeedMatch object.
addFeed None vcProductFeed productFeed Adds the productFeed to the product matcher to be matched with a need.

An error occurs if the same productFeed has already been added, or if the productFeed is already linked to an active vcProductNeedFeedMatch object.


Name Parameters Description
OnPendingNeedAdded vcProductNeedInfo newProductNeed Triggered when a new need has been added to the product matcher.
OnPendingFeedAdded vcProductFeedInfo newProductFeed Triggered when a new feed has been added to the product matcher.