vcProductMatcher monitors product needs (vcProductNeed) and feeds (vcProductFeed) and matches the needs and feeds with each other. A vcProductNeedFeedMatch instance is created for each matched pair.
A match can be made if the process group ID of the need and feed matches, the product type is accepted by the need (defined in vcProductFilter), and a valid transport solution exists between the transport nodes.
Name | Type | Access | Description |
PendingNeedsCount | Integer | R | Number of needs that have not yet been matched. |
PendingNeeds | List of vcProductNeedInfo | R | List of all pending needs. |
PendingFeedsCount | Integer | R | Number of feeds that have not yet been matched. |
PendingFeeds | List of vcProductFeedInfo | R | List of all pending feeds. |
Name | Return Type | Parameters | Description |
getPendingNeed | vcProductNeedInfo | Integer index | Returns a pending need found at a given index in list. |
getPendingFeed | vcProductFeedInfo | Integer index | Returns a pending feed found at a given index in list. |
addNeed | None | vcProductNeed productNeed | Adds the productNeed to the product matcher to be matched with a feed. An error occurs if the same productNeed has already been added, or if theĀ productNeed is linked to an active vcProductNeedFeedMatch object. |
addFeed | None | vcProductFeed productFeed | Adds the productFeed to the product matcher to be matched with a need. An error occurs if the same productFeed has already been added, or if the productFeed is already linked to an active vcProductNeedFeedMatch object. |
Name | Parameters | Description |
OnPendingNeedAdded | vcProductNeedInfo newProductNeed | Triggered when a new need has been added to the product matcher. |
OnPendingFeedAdded | vcProductFeedInfo newProductFeed | Triggered when a new feed has been added to the product matcher. |