

Name Type Access Description
Filter vcProductFilter R Filter
AcceptAllProductTypes Boolean RW (Deprecated) Use vcProductFilter.IsEnabled property instead.
When set to True, any product is accepted and AcceptedFlowGroups and AcceptedProductTypes are ignored.

AcceptAllProductTypes property is synchronized with an inverse of vcProductFilter.IsEnabled.
This way:
  • Setting AcceptAllProductTypes to True will set IsEnabled to False
  • Setting IsEnabled to True will set AcceptAllProductTypes to False.
AcceptedFlowGroups List of vcProcessFlowGroup RW (Deprecated) Use vcProductFilter instead.

Allows only the selected flow groups.
AcceptedProductTypes List of vcProductType RW (Deprecated) Use vcProductFilter instead.

Allows only the selected product types.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
setFilter vcProductFilter vcProductTypeFilter filterType Sets to specific filter
replaceFrom vcProductFilter vcProductFilterStatement other Sets filter from other container
promoteToCombinationFilter vcProductFilter None Upgrades current filter to combination filter
demoteFromCombinationFilter vcProductFilter None Downgrades back to filter, filter count must have 1 or 0 filters.


Name Parameters Description
OnFilterChanged vcProductFilterStatement Triggered when filter is changed