
vcSimInterfaceField is a connector for allowing a certain type of data to be transferred in an interface section.

Common Properties

The following properties are common to all field types.

Name Type Access Description
Index Integer RW Defines the index of field in section.

Important: The order of fields in a section is evaluated when establishing a connection between sections. For example, sections may have compatible fields but cannot connect because the order of fields differ in each section.

Name String RW Defines the name of field.
Properties List of vcProperty R Gets a list of all properties in the field.
Section vcSimInterfaceSection R Gets the section of field.
Type Enumeration R Gets the field type.

See Interface Constants for more information.

Field Specific Properties

Action Field

An Action field allows you to send, receive and queue pending actions between Action Containers.

Name Type Access Description
Actions String RW Defines the name of Action Container in component used by field.
Connection Integer RW Defines the role of field.

Client requesting actions.

Provider accepting action requests.

Broker acting as an intermediary for relaying actions between clients and providers.

Base Export

A Base Export field allows you to import or export base frames.

Name Type Access Description
BaseList vcBehaviour RW Defines the behavior in component used by field.

The behavior must have the ability to store base frames, for example a Base Container or Robot Controller behavior.

Export Boolean RW If True, exports base frames of BaseList; otherwise imports base frames to BaseList.

Flow Field

A Flow field allows you to transfer components.

Name Type Access Description
Container vcContainer RW Defines the vcFlow type behavior in component used by the field.
Port Integer RW Defines which connector of Container is used by field, thereby defining if field transfers components into or out of Container.

Hierarchy Field

A Hierarchy field allows you to connect and attach nodes, thereby forming parent-child relationships.

Name Type Access Description
Frame vcFeature RW Defines an offset for attaching Node.

If None, Node origin is used by field.

Node vcNode RW If Parent is set to True, defines node in component that will become parent of an attached node; otherwise must be root node of component.
Parent Boolean RW Defines if Node is to be parent of an attached node or will be attached as a child node.

Integer Compatibility Field

An Integer Compatibility field allows you to limit connections to fields with matching integer values.

Name Type Access Description
Value Integer RW Defines the value of field.

Joint Export Field

A Joint Export field allows you to import or export joints.

Name Type Access Description
Controller vcRobotController



RW Defines either a Robot or Servo Controller in component used by field.
Export Boolean RW If True, field exports joint data of Controller; otherwise imports joint data to Controller.

Processor Field

A Processor field allows you to connect a component with a Component Path or Process Point Sensor behavior to a component with a vcContainer type behavior or vice versa.

Name Type Access Description
Parent Boolean RW If True, field uses Path to connect sensors; otherwise field uses Sensor to connect to paths and other types of containers.
Path vcContainer RW If Parent is set to True, defines the path or container in component used by field.
Sensor vcBehaviour RW If Parent is set to False, defines the sensor in component used by field.

RSL Field

A RSL field allows you to publish or subscribe to robot programs, thereby enabling remote routine call and wait type statements.

Name Type Access Description
Publish Boolean RW Turns on/off the publishing of Publisher robot program to a connected section.
Publisher vcRslProgramExecutor RW Defines the robot executor in component used by field.
Subscribe Boolean RW Turns on/off the ability of Publisher to access robot program of a connected section.

signal Field

A Signal field allows you to connect and send signals.

Name Type Access Description
Connection Integer RW Defines the connection type of Signal.

Normal signal.

Beginning signal of a network.

End signal of a network.

Signal vcSignal RW Defines the signal in component used by field.

Tool Export Field

A Tool Export field allows you to import or export tool frames.

Name Type Access Description
Export Boolean RW If True, exports tool frames of ToolList; otherwise imports tool frames to ToolList.
ToolList vcBehaviour RW Defines the behavior in component used by field.

The behavior must have the ability to store tool frames, for example a Tool Container or Robot Controller behavior.

Transport field

A Transport field allows you to send, receive and queue pending transportation tasks between Transport Protocols.

Name Type Access Description
Connection Integer RW Defines the role of field.

Client requesting transport requests.

Provider accepting transport requests.

Broker acting as an intermediary for relaying transport tasks between clients and providers.

Transport vcTransport RW Defines the Transport Protocol in component used by field.