
vcSimInterfaceSection is a collection of connector fields in an interface.


Name Type Access Description
ConnectedToSection vcSimInterfaceSection R Gets a section connected to the section.

If section is not connected, value is None.

Fields List of vcSimInterfaceField R Gets a list of all fields in section.
Frame vcFeature RW If belonging to physical interface, defines the Frame feature referenced as the location of section.
Index Integer RW Defines the index of section in interface.
Interface vcSimInterface R Gets the interface of section.
Name String RW Defines the name of section.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
createField vcSimInterfaceField Enumeration field, String name Creates a new field of a given type and name in section, and then returns the new field.

See Interface Constants for more information.

deleteField Boolean Integer field_index Deletes a field at a given index from the section.

If deletion is successful, returns True; otherwise returns False.