
vcTopology represents the topology data of tessellated geometry and can be used to generate simple and complex geometry, for example NURBS, meshes and splines.


When a CAD file is loaded in 3D world, any topology data for tessellated geometry grouped in a vcTriangleSet object can be accessed from the object's Topology property. This differs from curve data, which is stored in a CurveData property of a vcCompactLineSet object.

Generally, topology data stored in a Geometry feature never duplicated unless contained triangle sets are updated using scripts. Any edits or modifying operations performed on tessellated geometry will automatically update topology data as needed.


Name Type Access Description
CurveCount Integer R Gets the total number of curves in set.
CurveLoopCount Integer R Gets the total number of curve loops in set.
FaceCount Integer R Gets the total number of faces in set.
PointCount Integer R Gets the total number of points considered boundary-corners in mesh, for example curve ends. If set is not a mesh, gives zero.

Note: To get the total number of points in set, use PointCount in vcTriangleSet.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
brepAvailable Boolean None Returns True if set contains boundary representation; otherwise returns False.
createCurveLoop Integer Integer face Adds a new curve loop to a face at a given index in set, and then returns the index of new curve loop in set.
createNurbsFace Integer Integer udegree, Integer vdegree, List of vcVector ctrl_pts, List of Integer umultiply, List of Integer vmultiply, List of Real uknots, List of Real vknots, List of Real ctrl_weights Adds a new non-uniform b-spline surface (NURBS) to set, and then returns the index of new surface in set.
createPlanarFace Integer vcVector pos, vcVector normal Adds a new planar (unlimited) face using given position and surface normal vectors, and then returns the index of new face in set.
createOffsetSurface Integer Integer face, Real offset, vcTriangleSet target Creates a copy of face at a given index in set, and then returns the index of new face in a given geometry set.

New face is offset from original face. If offset argument is positive value, new face is offset in surface normal direction; otherwise offset is the opposite direction of surface normal.

createTrimPolyLine Integer Integer loop Creates a new polyline using a curve loop at a given index in set, which can then be used for trimming and extending operations, and polyline is surface domain (XY coordinates only).

The returned value is the index of trim polyline in set.

createTrimSpline Integer Integer loop, Integer degree, List of vcVector ctrl_pts, List of Integer knotmultiply, List of real knots, List of Real weights Create a new spline in set used for trimming and extending operations, and spline is surface domain (XY coordinates only).
deleteNurbFace None Integer face Deletes a NURBS face at a given index in set.

If NURBS surface contains more than one face, geometry is tessellated after deletion.

getCurveCurveLoop Integer Integer curveindex Returns the index of curve loop that a curve belongs to in set.
getCurveFace Integer Integer curveindex Returns the index of face that a curve belongs to in set.
getCurveIntersections List of 4-tuple (vcVector pos, real curve_dist, Real face_u, Real face_v) Integer face, vcCompactLineSet curveset, Integer curve Returns a list of curve intersection points based on given arguments.
getCurveLength Real Integer curve_index Returns the length of a curve at a given index in set. That is, the total distance along the curve.
getCurveLoopCurve Integer Integer curveloopindex, Integer relcurveindex Returns the absolute index of an inner curve loop relative to its curve loop in set.
getCurveLoopCurveCount Integer Integer curveloopindex Returns the total number of inner curve loops for a curve loop of face in set.
getCurveNeighbor Integer Integer curve_index Returns the index of a curve neighboring another curve in set.
getCurvePointCount Integer Integer curveindex Returns the total number of points for a curve at a given index in set.
getCurvePointIndex Integer Integer curveindex, Integer relpointindex Returns the absolute index of point relative to its curve in set.
getCurvePosition vcMatrix Integer curve_index, Real position Returns the position matrix of a point on a curve at a given distance along curve.

Details about the position matrix:

Position vector
Actual position of point on curve.

Normal vector
Direction of curve at the given point (derivative of curve position).

Orientation vector
Aligned to face inwards of curve's face.

Approach vector
Surface normal of face at curve position.

See table footnotes for more information.

getCurvePositions List of vcMatrix Integer curve_index, [Real minstep], [Real maxstep], [Real maxerror], [Real maxangle] Returns a list of position matrices for points along a curve using different criteria.

The minstep and maxstep arguments define the step values along distance of curve for generating new points.

The maxerror argument defines a maximum distance error along length of curve for generating a new point.

The maxangle argument defines a angle tolerance along curve for generating new points.

See table footnotes for more information.

getCurveType Enumeration Integer curve Returns a trim curve's type, which is either a polyline or spline.

See Topology Constants for more information.

getFaceBound 2-tuple (vcMatrix bbox_center, vcVector bbox_diagonal) Integer face_index Returns bound box data for a face as an ordered pair (position matrix of bound box center, vector of bound box half-diagonal).

See table footnotes for more information.

getFaceCurveLoop Integer Integer faceindex, Integer relcurveloopindex Returns the absolute index of a curve loop relative to its face in set.
getFaceCurveLoopCount Integer Integer faceindex Returns the total number of curve loops in a face.
getFaceMinPointDistance 3-tuple (vcVector uv, vcVector pos, Real distance) Integer face, vcVector point Returns UV coordinates, position vector and distance of a given point to a face.
getFaceNormal vcVector Integer face, vcVector uv Returns surface normal of a face at parametric UV coordinates.
getFacePlaneIntersections List of List of vcMatrix Integer face_index, vcMatrix plane, Real minstep, Real maxstep, Real maxerror, Real maxangle Returns a list containing lists of position matrices for points where a defined plane intersects a face.

Each time a plane goes through hole in face a new list is added, thereby allowing you to infer hole points on face-plane intersection.

Details about the position matrix:

Position vector
Actual position of point intersection.

Normal vector
Direction along plane intersecting face.

Orientation vector
Projected from normal of plane to surface of face using face derivate for projected direction.

Approach vector
Surface normal of face.

See table footnotes for more information.

getFacePoint vcVector Integer face, vcVector uv Returns the position vector of a point on a face at given UV coordinates.
getFacePointAndDerivate 3-tuple (vcVector pos, vcVector udir, vcVector vdir) Integer face, vcVector uv Returns the position vector and UV direction first derivates of a face at given UV coordinates.
getFaceStartTriangle Integer Integer face_index Returns the absolute index of first triangle of a face in set.
getFaceTriangleCount Integer Integer face_index Returns the total number of triangles of a face.
getFaceType Enumeration Integer face Returns the type of a face, which is either a tessellated, planar or NURBS.

See Topology Constants for more information.

getNurbsFaceControlPoints List of vcVector Integer face Returns a list of control points for a NURBS face.
getNurbsFaceControlWeights List of Real Integer face Returns a list of control weights for a NURBS face.
getNurbsFaceDegree 2-tuple (Integer udegree, Integer vdegree) Integer face Returns UV degree values for a NURBS face.
getNurbsFaceUKnots 2-tuple (List of Real uknots, List of Integer umultiply) Integer face Returns U direction knot weight values and knot multiplicities.
getNurbsFaceVKnots 2-tuple (List of Real vknots, List of Integer vmultiply) Integer face Returns V direction knot weight values and knot multiplicities.
getPlanarFacePositionAndNormal 2-tuple (vcVector position, vcVector normal), vcVector Integer face Returns a planar face position and normal vectors.
getPolyLineCurvePoints List of vcVector Integer curve Returns a list of position vectors for all points in a polyline.
getPoint vcVector Integer pointindex Returns the position vector of a curve end (corner point) at a given index relative to either its curve or face.
getSplineCurveDegree Integer Integer curve Returns the degree of a spline.
getSplineCurveControlPoints List of vcVector Integer curve Returns a list of control points for a face trimming spline.
getSplineCurveControlWeights List of Real Integer curve Returns a list of control weight values for a face trimming spline.
getSplineCurveKnots 2-tuple (List of Real knots, List of Integer multiplicities) Integer curve Returns a list of knot weights and multiplicities for a face trimming spline as an ordered pair.
getSurfaceIntersections 2-tuple (Integer curve_count, Integer curves_start) Integer face, vcTriangleSet other_set, Integer other_face, Real approxtol, Real angletol, vcCompactLineSet target Returns the amount of intersecting curves between two faces in the same vcGeometryContainer object.
isCurveCircular Boolean Integer curve_index Returns True if a curve at a given index in set is circular where start and end points are same; otherwise returns False.
isFaceLinear 2-tuple (Boolean udir, Boolean vdir) Integer face Returns True if a face at a given index in set is linear in parametric UV directions; otherwise returns False.
projectCurve 2-tuple (Integer curve_count, Integer curves_start) Integer face, vcCompactLineSet curve, Real approxtol, Real maxdist, Real deviation, vcCompactLineSet targetlineset Projects a given curve along the shape of a given face based on direction vector of curve.
trimFace Integer Integer face Trims a face at a given index in set using trimming polylines and/or splines.

Returns 1/True if trimming is successful; otherwise returns 0/False.


  • Position matrix for curve point.
  • Position matrices for curve points based on step values and min/max limits.
  • Bound box data for face.
  • Face-plane intersection points.