vcTopologyPickCommand provides options for handling the selection and creation of points, lines and curves using the interactiveTopologyPick command.
Inherits: vcCommand
Name | Type | Access | Description |
ContinuousMode | Boolean | RW | Turns on/off the use of continuous curve selection in 3D world. |
SnapOnCurve | Boolean | RW | Turns on/off the ability to select a curve. |
SnapOnCurveLoop | Boolean | RW | Turns on/off the ability to select a curve loop. |
SnapOnSurface | Boolean | RW | Turns on/off the ability to select a point on a face. |
TargetAvailable | Boolean | R | Indicates if pointing at a valid target. |
TargetCurveAvailable | Boolean | R | Indicates if pointing at an available curve. |
TargetCurveIndex | Integer | R | Gets the index of an available curve. |
TargetCurveLoopAvailable | Boolean | R | Indicates if pointing at an available curve loop. |
TargetCurveLoopIndex | Integer | R | Gets the index of an available curve loop. |
TargetCurves | List of 4-tuple (vcNode node, vcGeometrySet geo_set, Integer curve_index, Boolean curve_direction) | R | Gets a list of curve data for target. |
TargetGeoset | vcGeometrySet | R | Gets geometry set of a target. |
TargetLocked | Boolean | R | Indicates if target has been selected in 3D world. |
TargetNode | vcNode | R | Gets the node containing target. |
TargetNormal | vcVector | R | If available, gets surface normal of target. |
TargetNormalAvailable | Boolean | R | Indicates if surface normal is available for target. |
TargetPosition | vcVector | R | Gets the position vector of target in World coordinate system. |
TargetSurfaceAvailable | Boolean | R | Indicates if pointing at an available point on surface. |
TargetSurfaceIndex | Integer | R | Gets the index of an available surface. |
Name | Parameters | Description |
OnTargetAvailable | vcTopologyPickCommand command | Triggered when pointing at an available target.
The command itself is passed as an event argument, thereby providing access to updated property values. |
OnTargetSet | vcTopologyPickCommand command | Triggered when a valid target has been selected in 3D world.
The command itself is passed as an event argument, thereby providing access to updated property values. |
Example. Implement command and continuous selection
from vcScript import * app = getApplication() cmd = app.findCommand('interactiveTopologyPick') cmd.ContinousMode = True cmd.execute() |