
vcTopologyPickCommand provides options for handling the selection and creation of points, lines and curves using the interactiveTopologyPick command.

Inherits: vcCommand


Name Type Access Description
ContinuousMode Boolean RW Turns on/off the use of continuous curve selection in 3D world.
SnapOnCurve Boolean RW Turns on/off the ability to select a curve.
SnapOnCurveLoop Boolean RW Turns on/off the ability to select a curve loop.
SnapOnSurface Boolean RW Turns on/off the ability to select a point on a face.
TargetAvailable Boolean R Indicates if pointing at a valid target.
TargetCurveAvailable Boolean R Indicates if pointing at an available curve.
TargetCurveIndex Integer R Gets the index of an available curve.
TargetCurveLoopAvailable Boolean R Indicates if pointing at an available curve loop.
TargetCurveLoopIndex Integer R Gets the index of an available curve loop.
TargetCurves List of 4-tuple (vcNode node, vcGeometrySet geo_set, Integer curve_index, Boolean curve_direction) R Gets a list of curve data for target.
TargetGeoset vcGeometrySet R Gets geometry set of a target.
TargetLocked Boolean R Indicates if target has been selected in 3D world.
TargetNode vcNode R Gets the node containing target.
TargetNormal vcVector R If available, gets surface normal of target.
TargetNormalAvailable Boolean R Indicates if surface normal is available for target.
TargetPosition vcVector R Gets the position vector of target in World coordinate system.
TargetSurfaceAvailable Boolean R Indicates if pointing at an available point on surface.
TargetSurfaceIndex Integer R Gets the index of an available surface.


Name Parameters Description
OnTargetAvailable vcTopologyPickCommand command Triggered when pointing at an available target.

The command itself is passed as an event argument, thereby providing access to updated property values.

OnTargetSet vcTopologyPickCommand command Triggered when a valid target has been selected in 3D world.

The command itself is passed as an event argument, thereby providing access to updated property values.


Example. Implement command and continuous selection

from vcScript import *
app = getApplication()
cmd = app.findCommand('interactiveTopologyPick')
cmd.ContinousMode = True