
vcCommand is the object type for commands that can be executed using Python API and made available in user interface of application.


Some commands have specific implementations.

  1. vcCommand
    1. vcInteractiveCommand
      1. vcTranslateCommand
      2. vcSelectCommand
    2. vcSnapCommand
    3. vcTopologyPickCommand


Name Type Access Description
Application vcApplication R Gets the application object.
Checked Boolean RW Defines if command is checked or visually indicated as active in the GUI, which is only for Python commands.
Enabled Boolean RW Defines if command is enabled/disabled, which is only for Python commands.

A False value means the command will be greyed out in the GUI.

ExecutionType Enumeration RW Defines how other active commands are managed when executing this command.

See Command Constants for more information.

Icon vcBitmap RW Defines the icon of command in the GUI.
IgnoreEvents Boolean RW Defines if event passing is ignored when executing command.

This flag is used in situations where events could create cyclic calls.

IsActive Boolean R Gets the current state of command.

A True value means the command is active.

IsModelingCommand Boolean RW Defines if command is used for manipulating geometry and related properties.
Name String RW Defines the name of command.
Properties List of vcProperty R Gets a list containing all properties of command.

Generally, properties are used to pass information to and from the command implementation for execution.

Simulation vcSimulation R Gets the simulation object.
SupportsOverrideActivation Boolean RW Defines if command is restarted after the execution of an override command, which is only for Python commands.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
addState None Function state_func Adds a command state function to Python command.

The first added command state is the function called when command is executed.

This method is only available for user-defined Python commands.
cancelNextClick None None Cancels a next click event.

This prevents a mouse click from being detected during the next mouse up event. This is only useful when called from an event processing handler function. Generally, this is used to prevent the activation of the Select command in response to a mouse click.

This method is only available for user-defined Python commands and can only be called from within the command script itself.
createProperty vcProperty Enumeration type, String name, [enumeration constraints] Adds a new property of a given type and name to command object.

An optional constraints argument can be used to define constraints for property, which must be done at time of creation.

See Property Constants for more information.

This method is only available for user-defined Python commands.

deleteProperty None vcProperty property


String name

Removes a given property or one matching a given name from command.

This method is only available for user-defined Python commands.

execute None [arg . . .]


[name=arg . . .]

Executes the command, and then waits for the execution of first command state to be completed.   If this method is called with no arguments, the arguments used are those currently set in the command object.   If this method is called with positional arguments, each value is assigned to command properties in the order they were created before command execution.   If the method is called with keyword arguments, the corresponding command parameter property is looked up and assigned the argument value. If a parameter cannot be found, the function fails.
executeAsTool None [arg . . .]


[name=arg . . .]

Executes the command as if its execution type is VC_COMMAND_TOOL.

This method overrides the command's ExecutionType property.

executeInActionPanel None None Executes a command using a task pane.

Generally, you would use a task pane to display the options of a registered Python or .NET command and to further control its execution.

For more information, see Command Task Pane in Creating a Python Add-on topic.

getApplication vcApplication None Returns the application object.
getCommand vcCommand None Returns the command object.
getCommandPath String None Returns the URI used by application to load the Python file of command.

This method returns an empty string if the command is not a Python command.

getProperty vcProperty String name Returns a property matching a given name in command; otherwise returns None.
getSimulation vcSimulation None Returns the simulation object.
genVarSpaceDialog None String command_name, String dialog_title, String first_tab_caption Shows a modal property dialog containing the properties of a registered command matching a given command_name.

Note: The command_name is specific to Python, so COM or other programming commands cannot be used as an argument.

The title of the dialog window is set to dialog_title. The first_tab_caption parameter determines whether a tabbed dialog is used. If first_tab_caption is an empty string, the properties are displayed in a single pane. Otherwise, the properties are displayed in separate tabs. In that case, property names are parsed as "tabName::propertyName" and distributed into tabs according to tabName; and properties without a double colon "::" in the name are displayed in the first tab, which will have the caption set to first_tab_caption.

After the command is executed, the Param_4 property of the command object contains the result of the dialog, as an integer. A value of 1 means a user clicked OK, whereas a value of 2 means a user clicked Cancel.

recompile None None Recompiles the command.
setNextState None Function state_func Sets the next command state function. This is a function which is called with no parameters in order to execute the next state. If None is passed as a parameter, the command will exit after the current state function or event processing function returns.

Calling this method will also cause the command to leave event processing mode.

This method is only available in Python commands, and can only be called from within the command script itself.

For more information, see an example for setting the next state of a snap command.


Note that command events need to be executed in the following order:

  1. OnStart
  2. OnPreExecute
  3. first_state (Added with addState)
  4. OnPostExecute

OnStart & OnStop

OnStart and OnStop event handlers will automatically be called if they are defined in the Python command script.

Name Parameters Description
OnStart None Triggered at the start of command execution.
OnStop None Triggered at the end of command execution, regardless if the command exited properly or was aborted.

OnPreExecute & OnPostExecute

The command object can be given as an argument in OnPreExecute and OnPostExecute event handlers defined in the Python command script.

Name Parameters Description
OnPreExecute vcCommand command Triggered immediately before the start of command execution.   See an example below.
OnPostExecute vcCommand command Triggered immediately after the end of command execution.

See an example below.


Available Standard Commands

Name Parameters Description
centerView None Centers the view of the 3D world.
clearWorld None Clears the simulation world.
(Deprecated) countData None Counts the amount of items in the current simulation.
dialogOpen String uri, Boolean defined, String filter Opens a dialog box for opening a file in the application.

A uri argument defines the initial directory for the dialog box.

A filter argument defines file extension filter(s) using a standard Windows filter format.

A defined property will have a true value if a file was selected, and then the uri property is set as the output.

dialogSave String uri, Boolean defined Opens a dialog box for saving a file.

A uri property defines the initial directory for the dialog box.

A defined property will have a true value if a path is defined, and then the uri property is set as the output.

dialogSaveFile String uri, Boolean defined, String filter, String title Same as dialogSave() method with additional arguments for filtering file types and the title of the dialog box.
exportLayoutAsGeometry None Opens a dialog box for saving the current layout as a supported file type.
fillView None Adjusts the camera in order to center and fill the 3D world view with all components in the current layout
(Deprecated) genPropertyDialog String Param_1, String Param_2 Displays a modal property dialog that allows a user to edit the property values of a Python command.

The first argument given must be the registered name of the Python command whose properties you want to list in the dialog.

The second argument defines the title of the dialog.

In order to be listed in the dialog, a command property must have been created using Python API, for example using the command object with the createProperty() method.

(Deprecated) getUniqueComponentName String seed Generates a unique name based on the given seed name.
(Deprecated) interactiveBoolValue None Opens a Yes/No dialog box in which the result can be read from the first parameter.
(Deprecated) interactiveCenterView None Allows a user to center the 3D world view by picking a type of geometry in the current layout.
interactiveClearWorld None Removes all components from the current layout in the 3D world.

If a layout contains one or more components, a prompt is given to confirm command execution.

interactiveComponentSelect None Allows a user to select a component in the 3D world.
(Deprecated) interactiveCreatePackage None Opens a dialog box for creating a package of components.
(Deprecated) interactiveDoubleValue None Opens a dialog box for entering a real number in which the result can be read from the first parameter.
(Deprecated) interactiveImportModel None Opens a dialog box for importing a supported file as a component in the current layout.
interactiveJogJoints None Allows a user to interact with joints and other objects in the 3D world.
interactiveLoadModel None Opens a dialog box for opening a supported file as a new layout, thereby closing the current layout in the 3D world.
interactiveMeasureDistance None Allows a user to take measurements in a simulated environment.
(Deprecated) interactiveOrbitView None Allows a user to orbit/rotate the camera of the 3D world by using a mouse.
(Deprecated) interactivePanView None Allows a user to pan the camera of the 3D world by using a mouse.
(Deprecated) interactivePickPosition None Allows a user to pick a location in the 3D world by using a mouse.
interactivePlugPlay None Enables Plug and Play mode in the 3D world.
interactiveRotate None

Allows a user to rotate a selection in the 3D world.

interactiveRotateTCP None Allows a user to rotate the active tool frame for a selected robot in the 3D world.
interactiveSaveBitmap None Opens a dialog box for saving the current 3D view or drawing as an image.
interactiveSaveComponent None Opens a dialog box for saving a selected component.
interactiveSaveComponentAs None Opens a dialog box for saving a selected component as a new component.
interactiveSaveLayout None Saves the current layout.
interactiveSaveLayoutAs None Saves the current layout as a new layout.
interactiveSnap None Allows a user to snap a selection to a location picked in the 3D world by using a mouse.
interactiveToggleCollisionTesting None Turns on/off collision testing globally in the 3D world.
interactiveTopologyPick None Allows a user to pick geometric topology elements in the 3D world.

See vcTopologyPickCommand for more information.

interactiveTranslate None Allows a user to move a selection in the 3D world by using a mouse.
interactiveTranslateTCP None Allows a user to move the active tool frame for a selected robot in the 3D world.
(Deprecated) interactiveZoomView None Allow a user to zoom the camera of a simulated environment by using a mouse.
loadGeometryAsComponent String uri, vcVector position Opens a supported CAD file from a given uri as a new component in the 3D world at a given position.
loadLayout String uri Opens a component or layout from a given uri at the 3D world origin.
loadLayoutToPosition String uri,

vcVector position

Opens a component from a given uri to a given position in the 3D world. You can open a layout, but the layout would be opened at the 3D world origin.
netCommand String command_name, [args*] Allows a .NET command to be executed using Python.

The command_name argument specifies a .NET command by id. You would then need to pass arguments for executing that command. For example, the SetLocalizationCommand takes five arguments.

For more information and example, see Executing a NET Command.

(Deprecated) readLicenseData String product_name, String product_key, String product_activation_code Gets license information for a given product and its key.
(Deprecated) rebuildECatalog None Rebuilds all mappings in the product's eCatalog library.
resetSimulation None Resets a simulation.
saveBitmap String uri, String filter, Integer xres, Integer yres Saves the current 3D world view as a supported image type with a given resolution.

The filter argument allows you to write to a specific format.

bmp or rbmp writes to BMP.

jpeg, rjpegstd or rjpegnstd writes to JPEG.

png or rpng writes to PNG.

tga or rtargareader writes to TGA.

See vcBitmap for more information.

saveComponentToUri String uri, vcComponent component, Boolean new_vcid Saves a given component at the given uri.

The component will be given a new VCID if its VCID property is an empty string or a False value is passed as a third argument with this method.

Warning: Do not pass an empty string in the first argument.

saveLayoutToUri String uri Saves the current layout at the given uri.
(Deprecated) saveScreen String uri Saves the current view and screen size of the 3D world as a bitmap image at the given uri.
saveState None Saves the current state of a simulation, which affects all components in the current layout.

Generally, this is used to save the joint configurations of robots and other types of equipment when collisions occur or at the end of a simulated process.

(Deprecated) setNotesVisibility Boolean flag Turns on/off the global visibility of notes in the 3D world.
(Deprecated) simLimitTest None Defines if a simulation is stopped when a joint in a component exceeds its limits.
(Deprecated) writeLicenseData String product_name, String product_key, String product_activation_code Sets license information for a given product and its key.


Example. Set next state for Python command

Download the Python add-on

#command file for Python add-on

from vcCommand import *

def testSet(cmd):

  if cmd.TargetAvailable:

    print "##------------SET--------------"

    print cmd.TargetGeoset

    p = cmd.TargetPosition

    print p.X, p.Y, p.Z

    #continue if target was selected



    #stop if no target selected

    print "Command exit"


def pick():

  print "pick!"


app = getApplication()

cmd = app.findCommand("interactiveSnap")

cmd.SnapOnCurve = True

cmd.SnapOnEdge = True

cmd.SnapOnSurface = True

cmd.OnTargetSet = testSet


Example. Use OnPreExecute and OnPostExecute events

from vcCommand import *

def first_state():

  print "Hello World!"

def before_handler(arg):

  print 'Starting', arg.Name

def after_handler(arg):

  print arg.Name, 'execution finished.'

cmd = getCommand()

cmd.OnPreExecute = before_handler

cmd.OnPostExecute = after_handler
