
vcSnapCommand provides options for handling the position and orientation of 3D world points selected using the interactiveSnap command.

Inherits: vcCommand


Name Type Access Description
Snap Boolean RW Turns on or off the ability to snap to a target.
SnapOnCircleCenter Boolean RW Turns on or off the center of circles as potential targets.
SnapOnCurve Boolean RW Turns on or off curves as potential targets.  
SnapOnEdge Boolean RW Turns on or off edges as potential targets.
SnapOnEdgeCenter Boolean RW Turns on or off the midpoint of edges as potential targets.
SnapOnFaceCenter Boolean RW Turns on or off the center of faces as potential targets.
SnapOnFrame Boolean RW Turns on or off frames as potential targets.
SnapOnNodeCenter Boolean RW Turns on or off the center of nodes as potential targets.
SnapOnNodeOrigin Boolean RW Turns on or off the origin of nodes as potential targets.
SnapOnPoint Boolean RW Turns on or off points on lines and polygons, for example corner points, as potential targets.
SnapOnPolygon Boolean RW Turns on or off polygons as potential targets.
SnapOnSurface Boolean RW Turns on or off faces as potential targets.
TargetAvailable Boolean R Indicates if pointing at an available target in the 3D world.
TargetCircleCenterAvailable Boolean R Indicates if center of a circle is available as a target.
TargetCurve List of vcVector R Provides a list of positions for a target curve in World coordinate system.
TargetCurveAvailable Boolean R Indicates if a curve is available as a target.
TargetCurveIndex Integer R Indicates the index position of a target curve in a geometry set.
TargetFaceCenterAvailable Boolean R Indicates if the center of a face is available as a target.
TargetGeoset vcGeometrySet R Indicates the geometry set of a target.
TargetLocked Boolean R Indicates if a target has been selected in the 3D world.
TargetMatrix vcMatrix R Indicates the position and orientation matrix for target in World coordinates.
TargetMatrixAvailable Boolean R Indicates if the position and orientation matrix for a target is available. (only valid for frame type targets)
TargetNode vcNode R Indicates the node containing a target.
TargetNormal vcVector R Indicates the normal vector of a target in World coordinates.
TargetNormalAvailable Boolean R Indicates if the normal vector of a target is available. (only valid for polygon and frame type targets).
TargetPosition vcVector R Indicates the position of a target in World coordinates.
TargetPrimitive vcPrimitive R Indicates the geometry primitive object of a target.
TargetSurfaceAvailable Boolean R Indicates if the surface of a target is available.
TargetSurfaceIndex Integer R Indicates the index position of a target surface in a component, for example the faces of a cube.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
clear None None Resets the command and clears its target data.


Name Parameters Description
OnTargetAvailable vcSnapCommand command Triggered when pointer is hovering over a valid target in 3D world.

The command itself as passed as an argument, thereby allowing you to access its updated properties.

OnTargetSet vcSnapCommand command Triggered when a valid target has been selected in 3D world.

The command itself as passed as an argument, thereby allowing you to access its updated properties.


Example. Execute snap command and use event handlers

from vcScript import *
app = getApplication()
snap = app.findCommand('interactiveSnap')
def TargetPicked(args):
  global snap
  pos = snap.TargetPosition
  print 'Picked: %.2f %.2f %.2f' % (pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z)
  if snap.TargetAvailable:
    print 'Starting picking!'
    print "Finished snapping!"
def StartPicking():
  global snap
  snap.SnapOnPoint = True
  snap.SnapOnEdge = True
  snap.SnapOnPolygon = True
  snap.SnapOnSurface = True
  snap.SnapOnNodeCenter = False
  snap.SnapOnNodeOrigin = False
  snap.OnTargetSet = TargetPicked
  print 'Starting picking!'
def StopPicking():
  global snap