
vcTranslateCommand provides options for managing the interactive movement and rotation of selected objects using the interactiveTranslate command.

Inherits: vcCommand, vcInteractiveCommand


Name Type Access Description
ParentMatrix vcMatrix RW Defines the origin of command's local coordinate system in 3D world.

Generally, this would be the position matrix of a selected object or an desired offset.

UseAbsoluteCoordSystem Boolean RW Turns on/off the use of World coordinate system as opposed to command's local coordinate system.
UseHandles Boolean RW Turns on/off the use of a manipulator.
WorldMatrix vcMatrix RW Defines position matrix of command's origin in 3D world, which can be used to set an initial position and orientation for command execution.
WorldPosition vcVector RW Defines the position vector of command in World coordinate system.


Name Parameters Description
OnTranslate vcCommand command, Enumeration event_type Triggered when translating an object.

(Deprecated) Use OnInteraction event in vcInteractiveCommand.