
vcVolumeDetector allows you to detect collisions in the 3D world using a box. Collision detection requires at least one node list and a box defined by lower and upper corners.

A collision is detected when nodes in a given list collide with the box. The collision can be tested using geometry or bounding boxes of nodes and limited to the first recorded collision or all collisions.


Name Type Access Description
Corner1 vcVector RW Defines the lower corner of box in World coordinate system.
Corner2 vcVector RW Defines the upper corner of box in World coordinate system.
HitCount Integer R Gets the number of detected collisions with box.
NodeList List of 3-tuple (vcNode node, Enumeration inclusion_type, Enumeration inclusion_scope) RW Defines a list of one or more nodes that can trigger a collision with box.

See Collision Detector Constants for more information.

TestMethod Enumeration RW Defines test method for detecting collisions.

See Collision Detector Constants for more information.

Transformation vcMatrix RW Defines the position matrix of box in World coordinate system.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
getHitFeature vcFeature Integer index Returns a feature at a given index in detected collisions list.
getHitGeometrySet vcGeometrySet Integer index Returns a geometry set at a given index in detected collisions list.
getHitNode vcNode Integer index Returns a node at a given index in detected collisions list.
testAllCollisions Boolean [Real tolerance] Detects all collisions of box with node list.

An optional tolerance argument can be given to detect collisions within a certain distance. By default, tolerance is zero.

If a collision is detected, returns True; otherwise returns False.

testOneCollision Boolean [Real tolerance] Detects the first collision of box with node list.

An optional tolerance argument can be given to detect collisions within a certain distance. By default, tolerance is zero.

If a collision is detected, returns True; otherwise returns False.


Example. Test collisions using volume detector

from vcScript import *
import vcMatrix
import vcVector
def OnRun():
  comp = getComponent()
  sim = getSimulation()
  insideDetector = sim.newVolumeDetector()  
  insideDetector.Corner1 =
  insideDetector.Corner2 =, 102.0, 102.0)
  insideDetector.NodeList = [(comp, VC_NODELIST_INCLUDE, VC_NODELIST_TREE)]
  insideDetector.TestMethod = VC_INTERSECT
  insideHit1 = insideDetector.testAllCollisions()
  insideDetector.TestMethod = VC_CENTER_INSIDE
  insideHit2 = insideDetector.testAllCollisions()
  insideDetector.TestMethod = VC_INSIDE
  insideHit3 = insideDetector.testAllCollisions()
  print "--------"
  print insideHit1, "VC_INTERSECT"
  print insideHit2, "VC_CENTER_INSIDE"
  print insideHit3, "VC_INSIDE"