
Action Constants

Action Types

Name Description
VC_ACTION_WORK Work for a specific time or using specific RSL sequence.
VC_ACTION_TRANSPORT Transport component to target component.
VC_ACTION_MOVE Move resource component to the specific component (and location).
VC_ACTION_LOAD Load component to the resource.
VC_ACTION_UNLOAD Unload component from resource to given component.

Python keyword Notation and Arguments


Work for a specific time or using specific RSL sequence at current place or location defined by component or vcMatrix.

Work action can use Python keyword notation or arguments alone (using keyword argument order).

Name Type Required Description
Worktime Real Always Defines work time in seconds.
Place vcComponent Optional Defines component where work takes place.

If Place is not defined, work is executed at resources current location.

If Place is defined together with Location, Location is used as resource location.

If only Place argument is defined, then resource location is defined by locating frame feature named ResourceLocation in the Place component.

If ResourceLocation frame feature is not defined, then component origin is used as resource location.

Location vcMatrix Optional Defines resource position during work in world coordinate system.
Sequence String Optional Defines work animation/rsl sequence name.


Transport moves part using resource to the world location, specified node or to the component container. Transporting can define optional FromComponent and FromLocation parameters to define the place where part can be loaded for transportation. If FromComponent is not defined, then part owner component is used instead. Transporting requires Part and any of the ToComponent, ToContainer, ToConnector parameters to define the place where part is transported. Optional PartLocation parameter defines exact part location.

Transporting to the specific component requires ToComponent and optional ToLocation to specify the exact resource location at component, otherwise the resource will use a frame called ResourceLocation as default location. Transporting to container can be expressed using ToContainer or ToConnector parameter. ToContainer parameter can use PartLocation to define the exact location.

Transport action can use Python keyword notation or parameters alone (using keyword parameter order).

Name Type Required Description
Part vcComponent Always Defines the component to be delivered.
FromComponent vcComponent Optional Defines the component where to pick up Part.
ToComponent vcComponent Optional Defines the component where to deliver Part.
ToContainer vcContainer Optional Defines the container type behavior Part is attached to in the 3D world.

Optional ToLocation can define position in relation to container node coordinate system.

ToLocation vcMatrix Optional Defines resource location. ToLocation used together with ToComponent uses world coordinate system to define the exact location.
ToConnector vcConnector Optional Defines (input) connector where Part will be transferred. If Part cannot be transferred immediately due capacity, then action will wait until capacity is available.
PartLocation vcMatrix Optional Defines the part location in the target component. PartLocation used together with ToContainer uses container owner node coordinate system to define the exact location.
FromLocation vcMatrix Optional Defines resource location from where it will transport. FromLocation uses world coordinate system.


Move resource to the specified component place or vcMatrix defined location. Action must include either Place or Location argument or both.

Move action can use Python keyword notation or parameters alone (using keyword parameter order).

Name Type Required Description
Place vcComponent Optional Defines resource movement target.

If Place is defined together with Location, Location is used as target location. If only Place argument is defined, then target location is defined by locating frame feature named ResourceLocation in the Place component.

If ResourceLocation frame feature is not defined, then component origin is used as target location.

Location vcMatrix Optional Defines resource movement target location in world coordinate system.


Load component to resource which can then move with it to other location or unload it to some other place.

Load action can use Python keyword notation or parameters alone (using keyword parameter order).

Name Type Required Description
Part vcComponent Always Defines component to be loaded.

Resource component defines independently where the component is loaded, e.g. human worker carries component with one or two hands or a forklift carries the component using forks.


Unloads carried part component to the world, specified node or to the component container. Unloading to world requires only Part to be defined. Unloading to the specific node requires ToNode and optional ToNodeLocation to specify the exact part location at node. Unloading to container can be expressed either using ToContainer or ToConnector parameter. ToContainer parameter can use ToNodeLocation to define the exact location.

Unload action can use Python keyword notation or parameters alone (using keyword parameter order).

Name Type Required Description
Part vcComponent Always Defines component to be unloaded.
ToNode vcNode Optional Defines node where Part will be attached.
ToContainer vcContainer Optional Defines container behavior where part will be grabbed. Optional ToNodeLocation can define position in relation to container node coordinate system.
ToNodeLocation vcMatrix Optional Defines exact position where part will be grabbed. Defines part origin position relative to ToNode or ToContainer owner node coordinate system.
ToConnector vcConnector Optional Defines (input) connector where Part will be transferred. If Part cannot be transferred immediately due capacity, then action will wait until capacity is available.

Approach Axis Constants

Name Description
VC_APPROACH_AXIS_POSITIVE_Z Approach from positive Z-axis direction.
VC_APPROACH_AXIS_NEGATIVE_Z Approach from negative Z-axis direction.
VC_APPROACH_AXIS_POSITIVE_Y Approach from positive Y-axis direction.
VC_APPROACH_AXIS_NEGATIVE_Y Approach from negative Y-axis direction.
VC_APPROACH_AXIS_POSITIVE_X Approach from positive X-axis direction.
VC_APPROACH_AXIS_NEGATIVE_X Approach from negative X-axis direction.

Behavior Constants

Name Object
VC_COMPONENTGRABBER (Deprecated) vcBehaviour
VC_CONTAINER vcBehaviour
VC_FLOW vcFlow
VC_JOGINFO vcBehaviour
VC_KINEMATICS vcKinematics
VC_NOTE vcBehaviour
VC_ONEDIRECTIONALPATH (Deprecated) vcContainer
VC_PARTICLESYSTEM (Deprecated) vcBehaviour
VC_PROCESSPOINT vcProcessPointSensor







(Deprecated) vcRslProgramExecutor

VC_SCARAKINEMATICS (Deprecated) vcBehaviour
VC_SCRIPT vcScript
VC_STATISTICS vcStatistics
VC_TRANSPORT vcBehaviour
VC_TWODIRECTIONALPATH (Deprecated) vcContainer
VC_VEHICLE vcBehaviour


Name Description
VC_PATH_NO_TRIGGER Sensor is not triggered at all by the component.
VC_PATH_LEADING_EDGE_TRIGGER Sensor is triggered by the leading edge of the component.
VC_PATH_ORIGIN_TRIGGER Sensor is triggered by the origin of the component.
VC_PATH_TRAILING_EDGE_TRIGGER Sensor is triggered by the trailing edge of the component.

Bitmap Constants

Name Description
VC_BITMAP_RGB Bitmap format of red green blue color model.
VC_BITMAP_RGBA Bitmap format of red green blue alpha color model; uses RGB color model and allows for Alpha compositing (opacity and transparency).

Boolean Feature Constants

Name Python Class

Collider Constants

Name Description
VC_PHYSICSCOLLIDER_UNSPECIFIED Collider is not defined nor created for feature.
VC_PHYSICSCOLLIDER_NONE Collider not created for feature, for example root feature of node.
VC_PHYSICSCOLLIDER_BOX Collider is a bounding box encompassing all geometry of feature and its subfeatures.
VC_PHYSICSCOLLIDER_BOXES Collider is a set of bounding boxes, one for each geometry set of feature and its subfeatures.
VC_PHYSICSCOLLIDER_PRECISE Collider is convex hull encompassing all geometry of feature and its subfeatures.

Collision Detector Constants

A collision test detects a collision between one or more objects. A volume detector detects if a component collides with a box defined by two corner points, for example a safety zone. A collision detector detects if a component collides with another component.

A collision test uses node lists. Each node list contains one or more entries. Each entry is a node in a component, its scope, and whether or not the node is included/excluded in the test. For example, you could detect a collision between the arm of a robot and a positioner, ignore a collision between the tip of a welding torch and workpiece, and whether or not a human walks too close to a robot executing its program.

Collision Scope

Scope defines what a node represents, for example all nodes in the same component as that node.

Name Description
VC_NODELIST_NODE Adds only the node not its child nodes.

VC_NODELIST_COMPONENT Adds all nodes in the same component.

VC_NODELIST_TREE Adds the node and its child nodes.

Inclusion Type

Inclusion defines if a node is active or ignored in collision test. Be aware the inclusion filter affects the node as well as its scope.

Name Description
VC_NODELIST_INCLUDE Includes the node in test.
VC_NODELIST_EXCLUDE Excludes the node in test.

Testing Method

Testing defines how to check for collisions when using a volume detector. You can detect a collision using either the geometry or bound box of a node.

Name Description
VC_INTERSECT Checks if specified node(s) intersects the surface of volume detector. This is similar to using a collision detector that detects the collision of geometry.

VC_CENTER_INSIDE Checks if center of bounding box of specified node(s) is inside volume detector.

VC_INSIDE Checks if bounding box of specified node(s) is completely inside volume detector.

Command Constants

Name Description
VC_COMMAND_NORMAL Abort all active commands when this command starts.
VC_COMMAND_TOOL Executes this command on top of all active commands. Any previously active commands are suspended, which resume when command execution is complete.
VC_COMMAND_MODE Abort all active commands that also are of type VC_COMMAND_MODE, and execute on top of the others. The camera control commands that implement panning, orbiting and zooming all have this type.
VC_COMMAND_OVERRIDE Abort only the topmost command before executing this command. When command execution is completed any command that was aborted initially is restarted (only if the aborted command supports override activation).

Command Event Constants

Shift State


Name Description
VC_SHIFTSTATE_SHIFT A shift key is pressed.
VC_SHIFTSTATE_ALT An Alt key is pressed.
VC_SHIFTSTATE_CTRL A control key is pressed.
VC_SHIFTSTATE_MOUSELEFT The left mouse button is pressed.
VC_SHIFTSTATE_MOUSEMIDDLE The middle mouse button is pressed. In some instances this can be the scroll button on a mouse.
VC_SHIFTSTATE_MOUSERIGHT The right mouse button is pressed.
VC_SHIFTSTATE_CLICK A single click has been detected.
VC_SHIFTSTATE_DOUBLECLICK A double click has been detected.



Name Description
VC_EVENT_MOUSE_DOWN A mouse button has been pressed in the 3D window.
VC_EVENT_MOUSE_UP A mouse button has been released in the 3D window.
VC_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE The mouse has been moved over the 3D window.
VC_EVENT_MOUSE_WHEEL The mouse when has been moved over the 3D window.
VC_EVENT_KEY_DOWN A key has been pressed.
VC_EVENT_KEY_UP A key has been released.

Component Constants

Back Face Mode

Name Description
VC_USE_FEATURE_BACKFACE_MODE Backfaces of component geometry are visible or invisible based on the ShowBackfaces property of each Geometry feature.
VC_FORCE_BACKFACE_OFF Backfaces of component geometry are invisible.
VC_FORCE_BACKFACE_ON Backfaces of component geometry are visible.

Node Configuration Change

Name Description
VC_NODE_REBUILD The component node tree is rebuilt.
VC_NODE_UPDATE_NODE Node1 is updated.
VC_NODE_ADD_FIRST_CHILD Node2 is added as first child for node1.
VC_NODE_ADD_LAST_CHILD Node2 is added as last child for node1.
VC_NODE_REMOVE_NODE Node1 is removed.
VC_NODE_INSERT_FIRST_SIBLING Node2 is added as first sibling for node1.
VC_NODE_INSERT_LAST_SIBLING Node2 is added as last sibling for node1.
VC_NODE_INSERT_AFTER_SIBLING Node2 is added as sibling after node1.
VC_NODE_INSERT_BEFORE_SIBLING Node2 is added as sibling before node1.
VC_NODE_REPLACE_NODE Node1 is replaced by node2.

PDF Export Level

Name Description
VC_EXPORT_NONE Component geometry is not exported into the 3D PDF document.
VC_EXPORT_COMPLETE Component geometry is fully exported into the 3D PDF document.
VC_EXPORT_GEOMETRY_BOUND Component geometry sets are exported as blocks.
VC_EXPORT_NODE_BOUND Component links are exported as blocks.
VC_EXPORT_COMPONENT_BOUND Component is exported as a block.

Simulation Level

Name Integer Description


0 Use this mode to simulate component movements as accurate as possible, thereby simulating full range of motion for component.



Use this mode to simulate component movements in a way that is balanced with performance of simulation, thereby component may move from point to point without simulating unnecessary joint motions.



Use this mode to simulate component movements as quickly as possible, thereby component may snap to joint configuration or jump from point to point.


Name Description
VC_NOT_AVAILABLE Target is not available for transportation, e.g. no capacity.
VC_AVAILABLE Target is available.
VC_REDIRECTED Target is available as redirected. For example, a machine has a buffer where it places components instead of allowing the component to be transported directly to the machine.

Connector Constants

Capacity Test Location

Name Description
VC_CONNECTOR_CAPACITY_LEADING Test before component's leading edge can transfer.
VC_CONNECTOR_CAPACITY_ORIGIN Test before component's origin can transfer.
VC_CONNECTOR_CAPACITY_TRAILING Test before component's trailing edge can transfer.

Connection Type

Name Description
VC_CONNECTOR_NONE Connection cannot receive or send components.
VC_CONNECTOR_INPUT Connection can receive components.
VC_CONNECTOR_OUTPUT Connection can send components.
VC_CONNECTOR_INPUT_OUTPUT Connection can receive and send components.

Container Constants

Conveyor Direction Modes

Name Description
VC_PATH_FORWARD Conveyor contents are moved forwards from the first frame to the last frame.
VC_PATH_BACKWARD Conveyor contents are moved backwards from the last frame to the first frame.
VC_PATH_FORWARD_AUTO Similar to VC_PATH_FORWARD. However, the conveyor automatically changes direction to VC_PATH_BACKWARD_AUTO if a component is transferred in from the conveyor's second connector (InOut2).
VC_PATH_BACKWARD_AUTO Similar to VC_PATH_BACKWARD. However, the conveyor automatically changes direction to VC_PATH_FORWARD_AUTO if a component is transferred in from the conveyor's first connector (InOut1).

Conveyor Interpolation Modes

Name Description
VC_PATH_STEP No interpolation is performed between frames, so a component's position changes from one frame to the next without any movement in between frames.
VC_PATH_LINEAR The path is interpolated as straight lines between the frames.
VC_PATH_CUBIC A cubic spline is used to interpolate the path from one frame to the next.

Context Constants

Name Description
VC_CONTEXT_AUTHOR "Author" context for modeling components.
VC_CONTEXT_CONFIGURE "Configure" context for building a layout.
VC_CONTEXT_DRAWING "Drawing" context for creating drawings.
VC_CONTEXT_TEACH "Teach" context for teaching robots.
VC_CONTEXT_PROCESS "Process" context for process modelling.

Controller Constants

Name Description
VC_CONTROLLER_START Event type for a controller.
VC_CONTROLLER_RUNNING Event type for a controller.
VC_CONTROLLER_END Event type for a controller.
VC_CONTROLLER_STOP Event type for a controller.
VC_CONTROLLER_UNREACHABLE Event type for a controller.
VC_CONTROLLER_COLLISIONS Event type for a controller.

Track World Frame Modes

Name Description
VC_TRACKWORLDFRAME_TRACKORIGIN The origin of track component is used as Robot World Frame.
VC_TRACKWORLDFRAME_ROBOTWORLD The Robot World Frame of robot is used not the track origin.

Entity Constants

Name Description
VC_PHYSICS_INPHYSICS Object affected by physics, including internal and external forces.
VC_PHYSICS_OUTOFPHYSICS Object not affected by physics.
VC_PHYSICS_KINEMATIC Object affected by physics, excluding internal forces such as gravity.
VC_PHYSICS_INCONTAINER Object affected by physics, and system monitors transition of object into and out of containers.

Feature Constants

Name Feature Python Class
VC_ANGULARCLONE Angular Clone vcFeature
VC_BLOCK Block vcFeature
VC_BOOLEAN Boolean vcFeature
VC_CONE Cone vcFeature
VC_CYLINDER Cylinder vcFeature
VC_EXTRUDE Extrude vcFeature
VC_FRAME Frame vcFeature
VC_GEOMETRY Geometry vcGeometryFeature
VC_LINEARCLONE Linear Clone vcFeature
VC_MIRROR Mirror vcFeature
VC_PLANE Plane vcFeature
VC_PYTHONFEATURE Python feature vcFeature
VC_REVOLVE Revolve vcFeature
VC_SPHERE Sphere vcFeature
VC_SWITCH Switch vcFeature
VC_TEXT Text vcFeature
VC_TRANSFORM Transform vcFeature
VC_WEDGE Wedge vcFeature

Frame Set Visualization Constants

Frame Display Mode

Name Description
VC_FRAMEDISPLAY_DOT Frames rendered as dots.
VC_FRAMEDISPLAY_COLOR_AXIS Frames rendered using individually colored axis lines.




VC_FRAMEDISPLAY_AXIS Frames rendered using axis lines with the same material as the frame set.
VC_FRAMEDISPLAY_CUSTOM Frames rendered using the icon defined in CustomIcon property.

Line Display Mode

Name Description
VC_LINEDISPLAY_LINE Connecting lines rendered as a single line.
VC_LINEDISPLAY_EXTRUDE Connecting lines rendered by extruding the icon specified by CustomIcon along the lines.

Geometry Constants

Name Description
VC_COMPACTLINESET Contains line sets.
VC_FRAMESET Contains frame sets.
VC_LINESET Contains line primitives. (Deprecated) Use VC_COMPACTLINESET.


Contains point sets.

VC_POLYGONSET Contains polygonal primitives. (Deprecated) Use VC_TRIANGLESET.
VC_TEXT2DSET Contains 2D text geometry sets.
VC_TEXT3DSET Contains 3D text geometry sets.
VC_TRIANGLESET Contains triangle sets.
VC_AMBIENT_OCCLUSION_NONE Ambient occlusion rendering is not used.
VC_AMBIENT_OCCLUSION_VERTEX Geometry uses vertex ambient occlusion values. Ambient occlusion value is located in the point texture coordinate U parameter. Ambient occlusion value is defined by a range of 0 - 1.0 in which 0 defines the point is fully occluded and 1.0 means the point is fully visible for lighting.
VC_VERTEXCOLOR Vertex color overrides the lighting calculations.
VC_VERTEXCOLOR_LIGHTED Lighting calculation is blended with the color of the vertex.

Color Formats

Name Description


Edge Types

Name Description
VC_EDGE_BOUNDARY The edge is shared with one polygon.
VC_EDGE_CO_PLANAR The angle between neighboring polygons is near zero.
VC_EDGE_HARD The angle between neighboring polygons is greater than the CreaseAngle of the vcPolygonSet.
VC_EDGE_INTERSECTION (Currently not implemented)
VC_EDGE_LINE (Currently not implemented)
VC_EDGE_NON_MANIFOLD The edge is shared with more than one polygon.
VC_EDGE_SOFT The angle between neighboring polygons is less than the CreaseAngle of the vcPolygonSet.

Grab Constants

Name Description
VC_GRAB_ASSEMBLY_DELETE_IF_EMPTY If the detected product is the last product inside an assembly, the product will be grabbed and the empty assembly will be deleted and the product will be grabbed but rest of the assembly is left untouched.
VC_GRAB_ASSEMBLY_KEEP If the detected product is inside an assembly, the product will be grabbed but rest of the assembly is left untouched.
VC_GRAB_ASSEMBLY_GRAB If the detected product is inside an assembly, the whole assembly will be grabbed.

Interface Constants

Name Integer Description
VC_FLOWFIELD 0 Delivers material flow between two behaviors.
VC_HIERARCHYFIELD 1 Attaches this component into the hierarchy of the other component.
VC_SIGNALFIELD 2 Delivers signals to behaviors that the signal is connected to. Allows communication between components.



(Deprecated) Publishes/subscribes vcRslRoutine objects of RSL programs between components.

VC_JOINTEXPORTFIELD 4 Exports the joint definitions allowing connected component to drive external joints.
VC_TOOLEXPORTFIELD 5 Exports/Imports joint definitions allowing connected component to use external tools.
VC_BASEEXPORTFIELD 6 Exports/Imports base definitions allowing connected components to use external bases.
VC_INTEGERCOMPATIBILITYFIELD 7 Used for controlling what interfaces can connect to. In order to connect, the opposing interface needs to have a matching integer compatibility field definition.
VC_ACTIONFIELD 8 Used for sending and receiving actions associated with an Action Container, e.g. a robot and tool grasp and release action.
VC_TRANSPORTFIELD 9 Used for input/output of transportation tasks via a Transport Protocol, e.g. two conveyors send pickup requests and the request is outputted to a resource.
VC_PROCESSORFIELD 10 Used for parent/child connection and interaction with path and sensor behaviors contained in separate components.

Interpolation Constants

Name Description
VC_INTERPOLATION_MODE_NONE A base or tool frame has no effect on external configuration.
VC_INTERPOLATION_MODE_BASE The External TCP property is set to false (base) or true (tool).
VC_INTERPOLATION_MODE_TCP The External TCP property is set to true (base) or false (tool).

Joint Axis Constants

Name Description
VC_JOINTAXIS_MINUS_X Negative x-axis.
VC_JOINTAXIS_MINUS_Y Negative y-axis.
VC_JOINTAXIS_MINUS_Z Negative z-axis.
VC_JOINTAXIS_PLUS_X Positive x-axis.
VC_JOINTAXIS_PLUS_Y Positive y-axis.
VC_JOINTAXIS_PLUS_Z Positive z-axis.

Joint Constants

Link Types

Name Description
VC_JOINTTYPE_CUSTOM A joint defined by an expression.
VC_JOINTTYPE_FIXED A static joint, which has no DOF object.
VC_JOINTTYPE_ROTATIONAL_FOLLOWER A rotational joint that is dependent on the value of another joint.
VC_JOINTTYPE_TRANSLATIONAL_FOLLOWER A linear joint that is dependent on the value of another joint.

Servo Types

Name Description
VC_JOINT_ROTATIONAL Defines a joint assigned to a controller as a rotational joint.
VC_JOINT_TRANSLATIONAL Defines a joint assigned to a controller as a linear joint.

Layout Item Constants

Name Type Python Class
VC_LAYOUTITEM_IT_COLLISIONDETECTOR Collision Detector vcCollisionDetector
VC_LAYOUTITEM_IT_LAYOUTPROPERTYLIST Layout Property List/Container vcLayoutPropertyList
VC_LAYOUTITEM_IT_LAYOUTSCHEMAPROPERTYLIST Layout Schema Property List/Container vcLayoutSchemaPropertyList


Pack Folder for Layout File


VC_LAYOUTITEM_IT_PATHOBJECT Path Object/Data Container vcPathObject
ViewAnimation View Animator vcViewAnimation

Light Constants

Name Description
VC_LIGHT_AMBIENT Ambient type of  light.
VC_LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL Directional type of light.
VC_LIGHT_POINT Point type of light.
VC_LIGHT_SPOT Spot type of light.

Material Constants

Color Mask

Name Description
VC_MATERIAL_COLORMASK_RED Color used to render a RGB or RGBA color mask.
VC_MATERIAL_COLORMASK_GREEN Color used to render a RGB or RGBA color mask.
VC_MATERIAL_COLORMASK_BLUE Color used to render a RGB or RGBA color mask.
VC_MATERIAL_COLORMASK_ALPHA Color used to render a RGBA color mask with opacity.

Depth Comparison

Name Description
VC_MATERIAL_DEPTH_NEVER Testing never passes, so geometry pixels are not rendered.
VC_MATERIAL_DEPTH_ALWAYS Depth testing passes always, so geometry pixels are rendered.
VC_MATERIAL_DEPTH_LESS Testing passes if geometry pixel distance is less than Z buffer stored value.
VC_MATERIAL_DEPTH_LEQUAL Testing passes if geometry pixel distance is less than or equal to Z buffer stored value.
VC_MATERIAL_DEPTH_EQUAL Testing passes if geometry pixel distance is equal to Z buffer stored value.
VC_MATERIAL_DEPTH_GEQUAL Testing passes if geometry pixel distance is greater than or equal to Z buffer stored value.
VC_MATERIAL_DEPTH_GREATER Testing passes if geometry pixel distance is greater than Z buffer stored value.
VC_MATERIAL_DEPTH_NOTEQUAL Testing passes if geometry pixel distance is not equal to Z buffer stored value.

Opacity Type

Name Description
VC_MATERIAL_TRANSPARENCY_NONE Defines opacity not be used in the material.
VC_MATERIAL_TRANSPARENCY_CONSTANT Opacity is constant using an Opacity value.
VC_MATERIAL_TRANSPARENCY_MAP Opacity uses a texture alpha map to define what areas are opaque.

Alpha value of 0.5 is used as a threshold.

Render Order

Name Description
VC_MATERIAL_PRE_ORDER Renders geometry before normal rendering.
VC_MATERIAL_NORMAL_ORDER Renders geometry during normal pass.
VC_MATERIAL_POSTSORT_ORDER Renders geometry using sorted order after normal rendering.
VC_MATERIAL_POST_ORDER Renders geometry after normal pass.

Texture Mapping

Name Description
VC_MATERIAL_MAP_NORMAL Uses geometry texture coordinates U and V to map textures/project them.
VC_MATERIAL_MAP_SPHERICAL Uses spherical projection which calculates automatically texture coordinates.

Name Description
VC_MENU_DRAWING When Drawing tab is active, context menu of drawing world.
VC_MENU_FEATURE When Modeling tab is active, context menu of node feature tree in Component Graph panel.
VC_MENU_HOME When Home tab is active, context menu of 3D world.
VC_MENU_MODELING_TOOLGALLERY_FEATURE On Modeling tab, in Geometry group, Tools menu, Feature Tools section.
VC_MENU_MODELING_WIZARDS On the Modeling tab, in the Extra group, Wizards menu. This requires a string that designates an existing or new section in the Wizards menu.


VC_MENU_PROGRAM_EXPORT_PROGRAMS On the Program tab, in the Program Modules group, Export menu. This requires a string that designates an existing or new section in the Export menu.


VC_MENU_PROGRAM_IMPORT_PROGRAMS On the Program tab, in the Program Modules group, Import menu. This requires a string that designates an existing or new section in the Import menu.


VC_MENU_PROGRAM_STATEMENT When the Program tab is active, context menu of statements in robot program displayed in Program Editor panel.


Name Description
VC_TOOLSIZE_IMAGE_AND_TEXT_LARGE The tool image is shown as large with text.
VC_TOOLSIZE_IMAGE_AND_TEXT_NORMAL The tool image is shown as normal with text.
VC_TOOLSIZE_IMAGE_ONLY Only the tool image is shown.

You can also use the following string ids.

Context Menu

Name Description
VcAuthor3DContextMenu When Modeling tab is active, context menu of 3D world.
VcAuthorTreeViewBasesContextMenu In Component Graph panel, context menu of Bases collection for Robot Controller and Base Container behaviors.
VcAuthorTreeViewBehaviorsContextMenu In Component Graph panel, context menu of behavior.
VcAuthorTreeViewFeaturesContextMenu In Component Graph panel, context menu of feature.
VcAuthorTreeViewNodesContextMenu In Component Graph panel, context menu of node/link.
VcAuthorTreeViewPropertiesContextMenu In Component Graph panel, context menu of property in root node.
VcAuthorTreeView In Component Graph panel, context menu of Tools collection for Robot Controller and Tool Container behaviors.
VcConfigure3DContextMenu When Home tab is active, context menu of 3D world.
VcTeach3DContextMenu When Program tab is active, context menu of 3D world.

Quick Menu

Name Description
VcConfigureQuickmenu When Home tab is active, mini toolbar for a selected component.

Ribbon Group

Name Description
VcTabAuthor/<group name> On the Modeling tab, in a new or existing Ribbon group.
VcTabDrawing/<group name> On the Drawing tab, in a new or existing Ribbon group.
VcTabHome/<group name> On the Home tab, in a new or existing Ribbon group.
VcTabTeach/<group name> On the Program tab, in a new or existing Ribbon group.



Name Integer Description
VC_MESSAGE_BUTTONS_ABORTRETRYIGNORE 0 Displays Abort, Retry and Ignore buttons.
VC_MESSAGE_BUTTONS_OK 1 Displays OK button.
VC_MESSAGE_BUTTONS_OKCANCEL 2 Displays OK and Cancel buttons.
VC_MESSAGE_BUTTONS_RETRYCANCEL 3 Displays Retry and Cancel buttons.
VC_MESSAGE_BUTTONS_YESNO 4 Displays Yes and No buttons.
VC_MESSAGE_BUTTONS_YESNOCANCEL 5 Displays Yes, No and Cancel buttons.


Name Integer Description
VC_MESSAGE_RESULT_ABORT 0 Returns Abort message, e.g. Abort button clicked.
VC_MESSAGE_RESULT_CANCEL 1 Returns Cancel message.
VC_MESSAGE_RESULT_IGNORE 2 Returns Ignore message.
VC_MESSAGE_RESULT_NO 3 Returns No message.
VC_MESSAGE_RESULT_OK 4 Returns OK message.
VC_MESSAGE_RESULT_RETRY 5 Returns Retry message.
VC_MESSAGE_RESULT_YES 6 Returns Yes message.


Name Integer Description
VC_MESSAGE_TYPE_INFO 0 Displays Information type message.
VC_MESSAGE_TYPE_QUESTION 1 Displays Question type message.
VC_MESSAGE_TYPE_WARNING 2 Displays Warning type message.
VC_MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR 3 Displays Error type message.
VC_MESSAGE_TYPE_CUSTOM 4 Displays Custom type message.

Motion Constants

Motion Type

Name Description
VC_MOTION_JOINT Joint type of movement executed by robot. See also Motion Target Constants.
VC_MOTION_LINEAR Linear motion executed by robot.

Orientation Interpolation Mode

Name Description
VC_MATRIXMODE_AXISX Rotates with minimal movement around X-axis.
VC_MATRIXMODE_AXISY Rotates with minimal movement around Y-axis.
VC_MATRIXMODE_AXISZ Rotates with minimal movement around Z-axis.
VC_MATRIXMODE_AXISWPR Interpolates yaw, pitch and roll angles separately for movement.
VC_MATRIXMODE_AXISZYZ Interpolates Euler angles separately for movement.
VC_MATRIXMODE_ONEAXIS Rotates around axis of shortest rotation for movement.
VC_MATRIXMODE_WRIST Rotates by directly interpolating wrist joints for movement.

Motion Path Constants

Path Axis Mode

The following constants specify how component space utilization is calculated for paths.

Name Description
VC_PATH_AXIS_AUTOMATIC The general direction of the path is determined and the most appropriate axis is selected automatically. If the axis cannot be determined to a reasonable tolerance, VC_PATH_AXIS_GENERIC is used.
VC_PATH_AXIS_X_POSITIVE The distance from the origin to the maximum X axis extent of the component bound box is used to space the component. This corresponds to the behavior of the old conveyor types.
VC_PATH_AXIS_Y_POSITIVE The distance from the origin to the maximum Y axis extent of the component bound box is used to space the component.
VC_PATH_AXIS_Z_POSITIVE The distance from the origin to the maximum Z axis extent of the component bound box is used to space the component.
VC_PATH_AXIS_X_NEGATIVE The distance from the origin to the minimum X axis extent of the component bound box is used to space the component.
VC_PATH_AXIS_Y_NEGATIVE The distance from the origin to the minimum Y axis extent of the component bound box is used to space the component.
VC_PATH_AXIS_Z_NEGATIVE The distance from the origin to the minimum Z axis extent of the component bound box is used to space the component.
VC_PATH_AXIS_GENERIC A worst-case maximum extent value is calculated from the component bound box, and used to space the component.

Path Motion State

The following constants define the motion state of a component on a path.

Name Description
VC_MOTION_STOPPED The component is stopped, either because the conveyor or the component itself has been explicitly stopped.
VC_MOTION_MOVING The component is moving on the conveyor.
VC_MOTION_BLOCKED The component has been stopped because it is being blocked by a component or conveyor in front of it.
VC_MOTION_FAILURE The component has been stopped as a result of the conveyor entering a failure state.

Motion Target Constants

Accuracy Method

Name Description
VC_MOTIONTARGET_AM_DISTANCE Defines the accuracy for a motion target based on distance, e.g. 5 mm.
VC_MOTIONTARGET_AM_TIME Defines the accuracy for a motion target based on time, e.g. a time limit for reachability. An accuracy method that utilizes time should be considered if, for example, a user sets a Cycle Time for a particular motion.
VC_MOTIONTARGET_AM_VELOCITY Defines the accuracy for a motion target based on velocity.

Configuration Mode

These constants refer to linear interpolation.

Name Description
VC_MOTIONTARGET_CM_FIXED A robot's configuration does not change (no change).
VC_MOTIONTARGET_CM_FOLLOW_FRAME A robot's configuration changes slightly to minimize joint value difference between its previous configuration (small change).
VC_MOTIONTARGET_CM_INTERPOLATE_JOINT_VALUES A robot's configuration is determined by point to point interpolation of its joint values.

Configuration Warnings

Name Description
VC_MOTIONTARGET_KW_OK Motion target can be reached.
VC_MOTIONTARGET_KW_UNREACHABLE Motion target cannot be reached.
VC_MOTIONTARGET_KW_JOINTLIMIT Motion target cannot be reached due to joint limit constraints.
VC_MOTIONTARGET_KW_SINGULAR Motion target, or the position creates a singularity, i.e. infinite solutions when one or two joints no longer represent independent controlling variables. For example, joints have a 0º value and become parallel.

Joint Turn Mode

Name Description
VC_MOTIONTARGET_TURN_NEAREST_WITHIN_LIMITS A joint's turn behavior is based on a solution nearest to the target position and within the joint's limits.
VC_MOTIONTARGET_TURN_NEAREST Similar to turning within limits, except solution is not restricted to limitations of joints.
VC_MOTIONTARGET_TURN_ZERO A joint's turn behavior is based on a solution within -180º to 180º and within the joint's limits.

Some robots can perform motions ± 360 degrees.

Motion Type

Name Description
VC_MOTIONTARGET_MT_JOINT Joint type of motion a robot controller uses to move to a target, i.e. motion is based on joint values and tolerance.
VC_MOTIONTARGET_MT_LINEAR Linear type of motion a robot controller uses to move to a target. For example, the motion itself is a straight or linear motion based on a vector from a start point to target position.

Target Mode

Name Description
VC_MOTIONTARGET_TM_NORMAL The target matrix uses a default or normal type of relationship with a robot.
VC_MOTIONTARGET_TM_ROBOTROOT The target matrix relates to a robot's root node.
VC_MOTIONTARGET_TM_STATICTOOL The target matrix relates to a robot's static tool.
VC_MOTIONTARGET_TM_EXTERNALBASE The target matrix relates to an external base in relation to a robot.
VC_MOTIONTARGET_TM_WORLDTARGET The target matrix relates to a world target in relation to a robot.

Node Constants

Material Inheritance

Name Description
VC_MATERIAL_DISABLED Never use node's material.
VC_MATERIAL_INHERIT Inherit node's material to geometries in the node and its child nodes that do not have VC_MATERIAL_FORCE set.
VC_MATERIAL_FORCE_INHERIT Inherit node's material to geometries in the node and all its child nodes.
VC_MATERIAL_INHERIT_NODE Inherit node's material to all geometries in the node that do not have VC_MATERIAL_FORCE set.
VC_MATERIAL_FORCE_INHERIT_NODE Inherit node's material to all geometries in this node.
VC_MATERIAL_INHERIT_LEVEL Inherit node's material to all geometries on the same level that do not VC_MATERIAL_FORCE set. If node is world root then all the nodes in the world will be affected. If node is a component then all the nodes inside the component will be affected. Otherwise, only the node itself will be affected.
VC_MATERIAL_FORCE_INHERIT_LEVEL Inherit node's material to all geometries on the same level. If node is world root then all the nodes in the world will be affected. If node is a component then all the nodes inside the component will be affected. Otherwise, only the node itself will be affected.


Name Description
VC_WORLD Node is world root.
VC_COMPONENT Node is vcComponent.
VC_NODE Node is vcNode. Node can never exist without a component.
VC_LAYOUT Node is a sub-layout.

Path Object Constants

Name Type Python Class
VC_PATHOBJECT_NT_ANY Node (Deprecated) Any type of node called with this constant.
VC_PATHOBJECT_NT_ACTION Action (Deprecated) Path Object type to vcPathObjectActionNode
VC_PATHOBJECT_NT_MOTION Motion (Deprecated) Path Object type to vcPathObjectMotionNode
VC_PATHOBJECT_NT_PARAMETER Parameter (Deprecated) Path Object type to vcPathObjectParameterNode
VC_PATHOBJECT_NT_REFERENCE Reference (Deprecated) Path Object type to vcPathObjectReferenceNode

Product Matcher Constants

Match States

Name Description
VC_MATCH_STATE_CREATED This is the initial state where the match has been created.
VC_MATCH_STATE_CANCELLED The match has been cancelled before it was finalized.
VC_MATCH_STATE_FINALIZED The match has been committed to, and the product can be sent to the next process.
VC_MATCH_STATE_DISPOSED The match has been finished or cancelled. The matched vcProductNeed and vcProductFeed are released, so that they van be re-used and matched again.

Match Types

Name Description
VC_MATCH_MODE_INDEPENDENT The match is independent of process requirements.
VC_MATCH_MODE_PROCESS_SOLVER The match needs to meet particular process requirements.

Process Modeling Constants

Boolean Comparison Operator

Name Description
VC_COMPARISONOPERATION_EQUAL Equal operation within property filter

BufferMode Enumeration

Name Description


First-In, First-Out order, like a queue.
VC_BUFFERMODE_LIFO Last-In, First-Out order, like a stack.

CombinationBooleanOperation enumeration

Name Description
VC_FILTEROPERATION_AND And operation within combination filter
VC_FILTEROPERATION_OR Or operation within combination filter

CompareMode enumeration

Name Description
VC_COMPAREMODE_COMPARETOANY Compare to any product within a list
VC_COMPAREMODE_COMPAREINORDER Compare one product after another in the list

FilterDiagnosticsMode enumeration

Name Description
VC_FILTERDIAGNOSTICMODE_GLOBAL As global configuration specifies
VC_FILTERDIAGNOSTICMODE_DISABLED Disable additional diagnostic messages
VC_FILTERDIAGNOSTICMODE_ENABLED Enable additional diagnostic messages

Flow Step Process Mode

Name Description
VC_PROCESSMODE_ALLINANYORDER All process groups must be visited, before moving to next step.
VC_PROCESSMODE_FIRSTMATCH Only one of process groups must be visited, before moving to next step.

NodeVisibilityState Enumeration

Name Description


Toggle between visible and invisible.


Name Description
VC_LIST_ADD Adds an element to the list
VC_LIST_REMOVE Removes an element from the list
VC_LIST_REPLACE Replaces an element from the list
VC_LIST_RESET Resets the list

ProductFilterType enumeration

Name Description
VC_FILTER_ACCEPTALL Accept all filter
VC_FILTER_COMBINATION Combination filter
VC_FILTER_PRODUCTPROPERTY Product property filter
VC_FILTER_PRODUCTTYPE Product type filter
VC_FILTER_SPECIFICPRODUCT Specific product filter
VC_FILTER_EXPRESSION Expression filter

StatisticsFlowDirection Enumeration

Name Description


Product enters.

TargetProcessMode enumeration

Defines the selection of processes that will be affected by vcSetProductVisitStateStatement.

Name Description
VC_TARGETPROCESSMODE_ALLPROCESSES The statement will affect all previously visited process groups.
VC_TARGETPROCESSMODE_SPECIFICPROCESSES The statement will affect all selected processes from Processes property.
VC_TARGETPROCESSMODE_CURRENTPROCESS The statement will affect the process group the product instance is currently in.

TimeSource Enumeration

Name Value Description


0 Sample from a distribution.
VC_TIMESOURCE_EXPRESSION 1 Evaluate an expression.


Name Description
VC_TRANSPORTINTYPE_PREVIOUSPROCESS Reserve a product instance and use the transport system to transport it.
VC_TRANSPORTINTYPE_CONTAINER Wait for a matching product to arrive to a component container.

TransportOutType Enumeration

Name Description


Send the product to the next process by using the transport system.
VC_TRANSPORTOUTTYPE_CONTAINER Place the product to a component container.
VC_TRANSPORTOUTTYPE_TRANSPORTNODE Send the product to a transport node using the transport system.

ValueMode enumeration

Defines how the result of vcSetProductVisitStateStatement.VisitCount will be applied.

Name Description
VC_VALUEMODE_ABSOLUTE The value is set as the current visit count.
VC_VALUEMODE_RELATIVE The value is added to the current visit count.

Process Point Constants

Name Description
VC_PROCESSPOINT_OWNER Owner component of the behavior used.
VC_PROCESSPOINT_PROCESSED Component being processed is used.
VC_PROCESSPOINT_STOP_PATH Processing stops all components in the path.
VC_PROCESSPOINT_STOP_COMPONENT Processing stops only processed component at path.

Property Constants


Name Description
VC_PROPERTY_ACTION_CONTEXT Special named property for creating and accessing the contextual parameter of Python action items. If the Python command wants to receive context from the call site, it needs to create a property with this name.

The type is dependant on the call site and the propety declaration must match that. It can be used e.g. with context menu commands.
VC_PROPERTY_DEFAULT No constraints used.
VC_PROPERTY_LIMIT Property will have upper and lower limits.
VC_PROPERTY_STEP Property will have defined steps.


Name Description Works with vcCommand Works with vcComponent
List<Ref<Behaviour>> A vcBehaviour reference list property. Yes Yes
List<Ref<Component>> A vcComponent reference list property. Yes Yes
List<Ref<ComponentGroup> A reference list property to multiple sets of grouped components in the 3D world. Yes No
List<Ref<Feature>> A vcFeature reference list property. No Yes
List<Ref<Node>> A vcNode reference list property. Yes Yes
List<Ref<Parameter>> A vcProperty reference list property. Yes Yes
  List<Ref<ProcessFlowGroup>>   A vcProcessFlowGroup reference list property.
  List<Ref<Product>>   A vcProduct reference list property.
  List<Ref<ProductType>>   A vcProductType reference list property.
  List<Ref<TransportNode>>   A vcTransportNode reference list property.
  List<Ref<TransportLink>>   A vcTransportLink reference list property.
Ref<BaseFrame> A vcBaseFrame reference property. Yes No
Ref<Behaviour> A vcBehaviour reference property. Yes Yes
Ref<Component> A vcComponent reference property. Yes Yes
Ref<ComponentGroup> A reference property to a set of grouped components in the 3D world. Yes No
Ref<Feature> A vcFeature reference property. No Yes
Ref<Material> A vcMaterial reference property. Yes Yes
Ref<Node> A vcNode reference property. Yes Yes
Ref<Parameter> A vcProperty reference property. Yes Yes
  Ref<Product>   A vcProduct reference property.
  Ref<ProductType>   A vcProductType reference property.
  Ref<TransportNode>   A vcTransportNode reference property.
  Ref<TransportLink>   A vcTransportLink reference property.
Ref<ToolFrame> A vcToolContainer reference property. Yes No
VC_BOOLEAN A boolean property. Yes Yes
VC_DISTRIBUTION A real distribution property. Yes Yes
VC_INTEGER An integer property. Yes Yes
VC_REAL A real property. Yes Yes
VC_STRING A string property. Yes Yes
VC_VECTOR A vector property. Yes Yes
VC_MATRIX A matrix property. Yes Yes
VC_EXPRESSION An expression property. Yes Yes
VC_URI An Uri property. Yes Yes
VC_BUTTON A button property. Yes Yes

Quantity Constants

Name Description
VC_QUANTITY_SCALAR Creates a scalar quantity.
VC_QUANTITY_VECTOR Create a vector quantity.

RCS Constants

Name Description

Recording Constants

Name Description
VC_RECORDER_PDF Records a PDF file for a simulation.
VC_RECORDER_VIDEO Records a video file for a simulation.

Routing Constants

Name Description
VC_ROUTING_OWNER Owner component of the behavior is used for rule processing.
VC_ROUTING_PROCESSED Component being routed is used for rule processing.

Signal Map Constants

Name Description
VC_SIGNALMAP_DIRECTION_UNDEFINED Sets the signal map direction to Undefined.
VC_SIGNALMAP_DIRECTION_INPUT Sets the signal map direction to Input.
VC_SIGNALMAP_DIRECTION_OUTPUT Sets the signal map direction to Output.

Selection Constants

Name Type Python Class
VC_SELECTION_ANNOTATION Annotation Selection type to vcAnnotation
VC_SELECTION_COMPONENT Component Selection type to vcComponent
VC_SELECTION_DIMENSION Dimension Selection type to vcDimension
VC_SELECTION_FEATURE Feature Selection type to vcFeature
VC_SELECTION_GEOMETRYSET Geometry Set Selection type to vcGeometrySet
VC_SELECTION_NODE Node Selection type to vcNode
VC_SELECTION_LAYOUT Root or sub-layout Selection type to vcLayout
VC_SELECTION_PARENTNODE Node Selection type to vcNode
VC_SELECTION_ROBOTBASE Base Selection type to vcBaseFrame
VC_SELECTION_ROBOTTOOL Tool Selection type to vcBaseFrame
VC_SELECTION_STATEMENT Robot Statement Selection type to vcStatement

Solution Constants

Name Integer Description
VC_SOLUTION_REACHABLE 0 Indicates solution target is reachable.
VC_SOLUTION_UNREACHABLE 1 Indicates solution target is unreachable.
VC_SOLUTION_JOINT_LIMIT 2 Indicates joint values for solution exceed limits.
VC_SOLUTION_SINGULARITY 4 Indicates solution causes joint singularity.
VC_SOLUTION_NOT_CALCULATED 8 Indicates joint values have not been calculated for solution.

Statement Constants

Statements constants are used for adding new statements in vcScope.

Common statements

Name Description
VC_STATEMENT_BREAK Ends the execution of a loop statement.
VC_STATEMENT_COMMENT Creates a user defined message.
VC_STATEMENT_CONTINUE Jumps to the next iteration in a loop statement.
VC_STATEMENT_HALT Halts a simulation until a user defined event triggers the continuation of the simulation.
VC_STATEMENT_SETPROPERTY (Assign statement). Defines the value of a property either in the same routine, program, component or robot executor.

Process statements

Name Description
VC_STATEMENT_APPENDTOLIST Joins content of source variable to end of the target variable.

Attaches one product to another.


Buffer statement creates a temporary storage for products in a grid pattern. Multiple products can be coming in and leaving the buffer in parallel.


Change Type statement changes one or more product instances to be of another product type both logically and visually.


Create product statement waits for free capacity at the target Container and then creates a new product instance.


Finds next or previous process flow steps relative to an existing flow step.


Detach statement detaches one or more components of one or more products from the component of a common parent product.


Get Property statement creates a runtime variable that acts as a proxy to a property. The proxy variable’s value and the targeted property’s value are tied together such that changing one means changing the other as well. The targeted property can be a static component’s property or a static component’s behavior’s property.


A GetFlowStatement gets information about a step in a process sequence to a ProcessFlowInfo process variable.


Move Joint statement uses a servo controller behavior to move a joint to given value and waits until the motion completes.

VC_STATEMENT_PRINT A Print statement allows you to print feedback in the Output panel.
VC_STATEMENT_PROCESSDELAY Delay statement waits for a specified amount of simulation time.
VC_STATEMENT_PROCESSIF Creates a conditional statement for executing a collection of statements if a given expression evaluates as True.
VC_STATEMENT_PROCESSWHILE While statement executes Scope in a loop as long as Condition evaluates to True.

Creates a process requirement based on a property value. The targeted property can be a static component’s property or a static component’s behavior’s  property.

Note: This is a requirement statement and thus can be only added to the Requirements routine of a process routine.


Release Product Reservation statement releases reserved product instances which are reserved by ReserveProduct one or more statements. Reservation cannot be released after a product’s transport has started.

VC_STATEMENT_REMOVEPRODUCT Remove statement deletes one or more product instances and resets value of the variable.

Reserve Product statement creates a process requirement for a matching product to be available and reserves it for this process.

Note: This is a requirement statement and thus can be only added to the Requirements routine of a process routine.


Waits until the robot is idle, then evaluates the given RoutineName expression and tries to find the routine, then start the routine, and waits until the routine has been executed to completion.


Copies product instance references from one list to another variable. Product type filtering can be applied to only copy some product references.


Send Signal statement sends a simulation signal, i.e. triggers a vcSignal behavior, with a given value.

VC_STATEMENT_SETNEXTFLOWSTEP Overwrites the next process information in product instances, enabling jumps and loops.

Set Node Material statement changes the material of a node in one or more product instances’ components.

VC_STATEMENT_SETNODEVISIBILITY Changes the visibility of a node in one or more product instances’ components.
VC_STATEMENT_SETPRODUCTVISITSTATE A process statement that assigns (and resets) the state of how many times a product instance has visited some process.

Flow statement updates statistics behavior and it records one or more products’ components transferring in or out. If more than one product is given as input, they are all recorded at once.

VC_STATEMENT_SETSTATISTICSSTATE Sets the current state of a statistics behavior.

Start Transport In statement transports one or more products into the process. More than one pre-reserved product can be transported in, otherwise transports only a single product.

The statement execution is asynchronous, meaning that next statements may execute before the transport is finished. Must be used in combination with the Wait Transport statement.


Transports one or more products out from the process in parallel. The statement execution is asynchronous, meaning that next statements may execute before the transport is finished. Must be used in combination with the Wait Transport statement.


Switch Case statement executes the first vcCaseScope for which the value of its CaseCondition property matches that of statement’s Condition property.


Transport In statement sequentially transports one or more products into the process and waits until they have arrived. More than one pre-reserved product can be transported in, otherwise transports only a single product.

VC_STATEMENT_TRANSPORTOUT Defines a transport node where to send the products using the transport system.

Sequentially transports products into a regular grid pattern and waits until they have arrived.


Waits for a variable’s value to pass a specified condition.


Wait Signal statement waits for signal to be triggered with a value that matches a given condition or until an optional timeout is reached.


Wait Transport statement waits for one or more transport operations started with StartTransportIn or StartTransportOut statements to complete.


Sends a work request to a transport controller and waits until the work is complete.

Robot statements

Name Description
VC_STATEMENT_BREAK Creates a break statement which is used to terminate the loop immediately when it is encountered.
VC_STATEMENT_CALL Calls a subroutine sequence/program.
VC_STATEMENT_CUSTOM Creates a template for executing a user-defined statement.
VC_STATEMENT_COMMENT Creates a comment statement.
VC_STATEMENT_CONTINUE Creates a continue statement which is used to skip the current iteration of the loop and move to the next iteration.
VC_STATEMENT_DELAY Creates a user defined delay measured in seconds.

(Deprecated) Creates a Grasp action for a robot's tool.


Creates a halt statement which is used to stop the simulation.


(Deprecated) Returns to default robot state pre-simulation.

VC_STATEMENT_IF Creates a conditional statement for executing a collection of statements if a given expression evaluates as True.
VC_STATEMENT_LINMOTION Creates a linear motion for a robot to a position; similar to VC_MOTION_LINEAR.
VC_STATEMENT_PATH Creates a statement for executing a path of positions.
VC_STATEMENT_PRINT Prints feedback to the Output panel.
VC_STATEMENT_PROCESS Creates a position statement of type vcPositionStatement that is implemented as a process statement.
VC_STATEMENT_PTPMOTION Creates a point to point motion using a robot's joints; similar to VC_MOTION_JOINT.

(Deprecated) Creates a Release action for a robot's tool.


(Deprecated) Triggers a remote robotic action via a subscriber to a publisher, i.e. parent robot triggers child sequence/program.


(Deprecated) Defines if a robot waits for remote action to finish or to receive IO in a parent-child relationship.

VC_STATEMENT_RETURN Ends the execution of a called subroutine and returns to caller of that routine.
VC_STATEMENT_SETBIN Creates an output signal map (bool), e.g. pick up and retain a box with a robot's tool.
VC_STATEMENT_SETROBOTSTATISTICSSTATE Creates a statement that sets a statistics state for the robot.
VC_STATEMENT_SWITCHCASE Creates a statement which executes a specific case based on a condition.
VC_STATEMENT_WAITBIN Creates an input signal map (bool), e.g. a robot waits to receive a signal from another component before executing other statements.
VC_STATEMENT_WHILE Creates a conditional statement for executing a collection of statements in a loop while a given expression evaluates as True.
VC_STATEMENT_DEFINE_BASE Defines a base location for RSL programming.
VC_STATEMENT_DEFINE_TOOL Defines a tool location for RSL programming.
VC_STATEMENT_PROG_SYNC Creates a method for synchronizing robotic motions with two or more robots.


  • Statements marked as deprecated are not supported by new robot executor.

Statistics Constants

Chart Types

Name Description

Chart Tile Type

Name Description
VC_TILETYPE_DUMMY Location is used for grid layout purposes only.
VC_TILETYPE_ACTUALTILE Location is not empty.

Data Types

Constants for defining the data type of statistics chart.

Name Description
VC_DATATYPE_ONESAMPLEDVALUE Used for interval-based statistics. For example, discrete values reported for a recorded interval.
VC_DATATYPE_MINMAXAVERAGEVALUES Used for cumulative statistics. For example, values that accumulate over time.


Constants for defining the state of Statistics behavior.

Name Integer Description
VC_STATISTICS_WARMUP 1 Reports when a component is in a warm up state.
VC_STATISTICS_BREAK 2 Reports when a component is in a break state.
VC_STATISTICS_IDLE 3 Reports when a component is in an idle state.
VC_STATISTICS_BUSY 4 Reports when a component is in a busy state.
VC_STATISTICS_BLOCKED 5 Reports when a component is in a blocked state.
VC_STATISTICS_BROKEN 6 Reports when a component is in a broken state.
VC_STATISTICS_REPAIR 7 Reports when a component is in a repair state.
VC_STATISTICS_SETUP 8 Reports when a component is in a setup state.

Swept Volume Constants

Decomposition Modes

Name Integer Description
VC_CONVEXHULL 0 One convex hull with no decomposition.
VC_DECOMPOSITION 1 Convex decomposition with one or more convex hulls.
VC_CONVEXHULL_TRIMESH 2 One convex hull for each triangle mesh

Swept Generation

Name Integer Description
VC_SWEPT_LOFTING 0 Uses lofting to generate swept geometry.
VC_SWEPT_HULL_FROM_HULLS 1 Uses hull from hulls method to generate geometry.
VC_SWEPT_HULL_FROM_SILHOUETTES 2 Uses hull from silhouettes method to generate geometry.

Topology Constants

Name Description
VC_CURVE_TESSELLATED A tessellated line or polyline.
VC_CURVE_POLYLINE A polyline curve (spline of degree 1).
VC_CURVE_SPLINE A spline curve.
VC_FACE_TESSELATED A tessellated face without mathematical representation.
VC_FACE_PLANAR A mathematical planar face.
VC_FACE_NURBS A mathematical NURBS face.
VC_FACEDISPLAY_OUTER_CURVELOOP Display only surface outer curved loop.
VC_FACEDISPLAY_INNER_CURVELOOPS Display only inner curved loop(s).
VC_FACEDISPLAY_ALL_CURVELOOPS Display all surface curved loops.
VC_FACEDISPLAY_FACE Display shaded surface.

Unit Constants

Name Description
VC_QUANTITY_SCALAR Quantity type in which a magnitude or numerical value is given.
VC_QUANTITY_VECTOR Quantity type in which both a magnitude or numerical value and direction are given.