
vcStatisticsDashboard is a dashboard used for visualizing and reporting statistics collected during a simulation.


The Statistics dashboard consists of tabs, which are of type vcStatisticsTab. Each tab contains a layout of one or more charts, which are of type vcStatisticsChart. Each chart uses a sampling interval to report one or more data series, which are of type vcStatisticsSeries.


  • Use vcStatisticsDashboard to create, select or delete tabs.
  • Use vcStatisticsTab to create, select or delete charts and define how charts are organized in a tab.
  • Use vcStatisticsChart to add, select, delete, clear or update data series as well as edit the position and attributes of a chart.
  • Use vcStatisticsSeries to define which property and from what components is reported in a chart.


Name Type Access Description
SelectedTab vcStatisticsTab RW Defines the active tab in dashboard.
StatisticsInterval Real RW Defines the global sampling interval for reporting data.

This will affect data series referencing vcStatistics properties as well as any chart with a sampling interval of -1.

Tabs List of vcStatisticsTab R Gets a list of all tabs in dashboard.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
createTab vcStatisticsTab String name, Boolean activate Adds a new tab of a given name to the dashboard.

The activate argument can be used to make the new tab the selected tab in dashboard.

deleteTab None vcStatisticsTab Removes a given tab from the dashboard.


Example. Create new tab in dashboard

from vcScript import *
app = getApplication()
dashboard = app.Dashboard
tab = dashboard.createTab("Example", True)